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Mega Colossus + Speed Queen-Konzert in der Alten Hackerei in Karlsruhe

Mega Colossus + Speed Queen

Einlass: 20:00
Mega Colossus + Speed Queen
Alte Hackerei Alter Schlachthof 11A
76131 Karlsruhe

Tickets kaufen - 17.00 EUR

MEGA COLOSSUS is one of the best and most well-known new Heavy Metal band. They got a lot of high ratings in all magazines worldwide and they are one of the leading new bands in the Heavy Metal scene. 

Iron Maiden meets Thin Lizzy meets Thrash meets Slough Feg. 

Mega Colossus describes their sound as “adventure metal,” and while it really boils down to a hybrid of traditional, power, and thrash metal, I don’t find this descriptor kitschy or deceptive. 

Highlights were festival shows at HELL OVER HAMMABURG, STORMCRUSHER FESTIVAL and some european tours. 

Support will be SPEED QUEEN from Belgium (High Roller Records) who impressed with the last european tour as support for the mighty NIGHT DEMON (USA).

Speed Queen from Belgium plays high speed, energetic, bitchin’ heavy metal. Call it whatever you want: 80’s revival, new wave of Belgian heavy metal or just straight up rock ‘n roll… Our amps go to eleven! 

So grab your leather jacket and put on your sister’s jeans, ‘cause that’s heavy metal if you know what I mean!

Jedes Ticket beinhaltet eine Bearbeitungsgebühr in Höhe von 2,00 €.
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Aktuell noch verfügbare Tickets: 167 Stück
